Based in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Talya E. Gershon is an experienced life coach who serves local clients through her business, Coastal Virginia Consulting, LLC. In this capacity, Talya E. Gershon regularly works with clients who need guidance while navigating through career changes.
Whether you are unhappy with your current job position or simply wish to pursue other professional opportunities, you may feel that it is time to make a career change. As exciting as the prospect of this change may be, the thought of diverting from your current path may also seem daunting. By following a few crucial steps, however, you can successfully make your career change.
1. Determine what you are looking for - You should begin by assessing your professional goals and deciding what is most important when it comes to a new career. To this end, you should ask yourself a number of questions. What does your ideal workplace look like? In which area can you best apply your professional skills? How will a new career improve your life? With the answers to these questions, you will be able to visualize a path forward.
2. Formulate a plan - In order to reach your goal, you will need to create a multistep road map filled with various career milestones. This plan should include steps for building new skills, organizing your finances, writing a new CV, and anything else that might help you make the change.
3. Network - To properly understand the industry you wish to join, you must connect with professionals who already work in that field. These individuals can give you a first-hand look at the responsibilities that you will hold and what type of company culture you should expect.